More unedited and incomplete ramblings.

I believe that we are quantum entangled beings, not just in theory but on a physical level. That there are billions of quantum entangled particles in our bodies that science has yet to discover and if we so choose we can consciously access them. I believe when science does discover it and it becomes accepted as truth and we learn to reject hate and accept love then through quantum communication there is the possibility to commune with what many would consider God. For now we are like babies that have just discovered a foot we do not yet know how to use it and chew on it more than anything, it will take trial and error and time to figure it out and much much more time to master it but when it becomes a part of our consciousness, of our existence then we will evolve to a higher plane of consciousness and understanding. we will commune with each other with love and understanding and will fulfill God's plan for us to be One with all of creation and the Creator in pure love and Harmony and in any form we choose, with those we love, anywhere.

Remember, God put each of us in charge of His plan for us. We must choose to evolve and grow, if not then it will not happen and we will continuously manifest with hate and misery. God does not forgive, God does not forget. There is no absolution only Redemption. We are given the opportunity, but must earn the manifestation. Fortunately we have a very, very, very long time to get there. Unfortunately we have a very, very, very long time to get there. It took our universe over 13 billion years to manifest us. Our time in this existence is fleeting and what we think, say and do matter. In the here and now we have the opportunity, If we so choose, to grow, evolve and manifest into something greater. 

I understand the how and the why of existence even though I might never fully be able to put into words the oneness I see in my mind, And yes I do expect to be ridiculed, disparaged, dismissed and ignored for uttering such a grandiose statement for I am flawed and have flashes of great anger which last far too long for my liking.  At least until I remember that the universe's laws are immutable and consistent and that as the Bible says, vengeance is mine saith the Lord and we will all reap what we have sown. So I Let the universe take care of its business and leave them to their fate, to their journey, hoping  they will find a greater truth, helping if I can but I deny their hate as my truth.

Does God have emotions? Having infinite thought, infinite knowledge and infinite consciousness I would suspect it would know infinite emotions good and bad and I believe that love is the emotion, the state of being that this infinite consciousness and infinite intelligence has chosen to reside and it is up to us to become love for there is no room for hate in heaven.

God is infinite consciousness, God is infinite thought, God is infinite energy, God is infinite power, God is infinite Force and God is infinite possibilities. Consciousness is different from thought AI can think it can figure out problems that can design new equipment but it has no consciousness but more importantly no subconscious and it is not self aware although it can be programmed in a way that it would seem that it is. 

All energy seeks it's equilibrium therefore if the manifestation of our universe was evolution and not creation, then what energy was seeking equilibrium to manifest it without intelligence, without consciousness, without forethought, concept or purpose?

Evolution can only produce it cannot create only intelligence can create. Evolution did not create a coffee plant it is the product of evolution. Intelligence combined with forethought, imagination and conceptualization created a cup of coffee or a mocha latte through the manipulation of the coffee plant and various other ingredients. 

Whole perfect and complete

I remember growing up my mother would say the affirmation I am whole perfect and complete just the way that I am and just the way that I am not. And I fully believe that if you love someone you love them just the way that they are and just the way that they are not but to say that I am whole perfect and complete is at best an incomplete truth and at worst a lie. It's incomplete because it's talking about the whole, the mind, body and spirit and we know that in this existence we are not whole perfect and complete. We have diseases, we hate, we have mental illnesses  and a myriad of conditions that unequivocally prove that we are not perfect in any way shape or form has a whole or at least in what we consider to be the idea of perfection. It's a lie because it suggests that you are already there (just the way that I am) and gives you an excuse for not being there (just the way I am not). But in every single person there is true perfection we have atoms and molecules that are whole perfect and complete and comprise the majority of our physical body. There are billions of neutrons, quantum particles, dark energy and dark matter flowing through us that are whole perfect and complete in themselves. Where we need to focus on is our mind, our thoughts and emotions, accepting the truth of where we are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually but knowing for an immutable fact that it can change for the better ( or worse) and we can manipulate the energy available to us to manifest such change. In order for any change to manifest it must start in the mind, in the understanding of the true nature of the universe and of our connection with it. As the universe itself started small so must we. We must acknowledge the perfection that is in us at the atomic and molecular level but also the infinite energy that we are a part of. Of what some would call the spiritual, the dark energy the dark matter the quantum entangled particles and others, the building blocks of creation. We must realize the truth that every fiber of our being is immersed in this energy and we have the capability to manipulate it to truly be whole perfect and complete as we see fit, not as some patriarchal society does, but as we truly are, children of the infinite and beings of love.