Judge not for as you judge so shall you be judged. Judgment like love and forgiveness is always before. In every situation we choose how we will react and in that choice is our judgment. When you judge something is not worthy of your Love, so shall you be judged. When you judge something is not worthy of your compassion, so shall you be judged. When you judge something is not worthy of your forgiveness so shall he be judged. Let us choose Love, for so shall we be judged with love and we will happily reap what we have sown.
If you come from a place of love, you do not judge, you are love. If you come from a place of compassion, you do not judge, you are compassion. If you come from a place of forgiveness you do not judge, you are forgiveness.
Just in case my flowery language confuses you. Our choices are our judgments.
Dammit more flowery language. Judge not, Be. Be love, Be understanding, Be forgiveness, Be compassion, Be strong. Be the greatest you can be at that moment.
All energy seeks it's equilibrium. Love, compassion, forgiveness, understanding etc. are all energy and will seek it's fulfillment. The force behind any energy will determine its manifestation. Consistency is the force behind our choices.