God does not play favorites , the base function of all living things is to procreate. This urge this desire came from the Creator for it could not come from anywhere else, for there was nothing before.
In order for the creator to express itself, for it to seek its equilibrium, it's plan, it had to create the conditions for it's manifestations to exist. There had to be consistency, it must also be self-sustaining in its function that all of it's energy seeks it's equilibrium. Our universe is such a manifestation. At its creation everything was present, through evolution to produce intelligent life.
why do bad things happen to good people ? if we look at an example of a child getting disease or cancer. viruses and bacteria are living organisms and like all living things its function is to propagate the species, this is their only function and in doing so can be beneficial or detrimental to the host. God does not play favorites in the living or dying of any life-form. each living thing has its own advantages and disadvantages in life, our advantage is intelligence we can create vaccines medicines and treatments for a multitude of conditions and diseases .God does not punish or hate anybody that has a disease , a condition or has had a natural disaster befall them
The diseases that kill are as much of God's creation as we are and all living things innate desire is to be fruitful and multiply as the Bible would say. All living things are God's children and as such God loves them all equally. This is not to say that as co-creators we cannot change anything but it will take a greater understanding of the process, the nuts and bolts of change at a molecular (quantum) level. Any type of healing requires the agreement and participation of all entities, energy's and consciousness working in harmony together. Healing occurs at the molecular level one molecule at a time but at a massive scale. If at a minimum we can stop this spread then that will give the body and advantage in healing.
Cancer cells are as much alive as anything and their function or purpose for existence is to procreate as it is with all life.
God created this reality so we can exercise free will and create just as God did in the creation of all existence. This is the greatest gift that can possibly be given, to be co-creators. It is also the greatest responsibility. In order for this gift to be of pure love their can be no interference from God, we must choose to reach the place where the Creator dwells through our souls evolution, and ultimately on our own. Because we have true free will there is no guarantee in our final destination, there cannot be, we must be able to choose this for ourselves and be love made manifest. For The Infinite so loves us that we are indowed with It's power to be true co-creators. It must be earned for it to be true and everlasting for the struggle and knowledge of our ascension/enlightenment is the only thing that will bring us there and with that we will evolve be as one.
The Infinite Father's plan is the same as most fathers, to have It's children grow and evolve into something great, to be able to commune with It in a place of pure infinite love.
I am not conceited enough to think that our species will evolve enough to commune with the infinite consciousness that we call God the Creator but I believe the energy that is our souls have that opportunity and that this existence is a chance to consciously make choices that will lead us to a greater understanding a greater us and a greater reality.
Consciousness is energy.
Consciousness itself is not bound by physical manifestations but seeks out it's equilibrium through physical manifestation for it's own evolution. When not in physical form our consciousness exist as energy in non-corporal form along with all souls that are seeking the same equilibrium, as Jesus said, in My Father's House there are many rooms and he is preparing a place for you and if you adhere to his teachings of love you will join him, but it is not a given, it is not meant to be, it is up to us to join him. It will not be given, it must be earned.
God created existence and our souls. Evolution produced a being of sufficient intelligence for our consciousness and souls to reside in.
God loves us so much that he made us co-creators so that we can discover the path back to his pure love. To grow and evolve in understanding and Truth, to be able to commune with God at his level. As with any great revelation it must be earned, it cannot be given. To truly understand and to manifest pure love, we as souls must evolve into it. The pain and suffering we experience is of our own creation as we truly are children, learning through experience we put ourselves through hell. Not the hell of the Bible but the hell of our own creation. The hell we create through our own hate and greed, at the cost of our souls evolution and the love of everyone and everything. We must put love, understanding and yes common Sense above all else when we make our choices.
The souls evolution cannot be compared against anything corporal for it is non corporal yet uses corporal form to evolve for to be true co-creators their must be physical form made manifest. Our soul and consciousness although eternal is not infinite and requires form to evolve.
When is a species capable of having a soul? I would think that once an intelligence can conceptually create something from nothing, that would be the litmus test. The Infinite created all of existence from itself but before it's manifestation it was already conceived if only for an infinitesimal amount of time and was, and is a natural process that I hope will eventually be understood by science.
(See procreation)
Whole perfect and complete
I remember growing up my mother would say the affirmation I am whole perfect and complete just the way that I am and just the way that I am not. And I fully believe that if you love someone you love them just the way that they are and just the way that they are not but to say that I am whole perfect and complete is at best an incomplete truth and at worst a lie. It's incomplete because it's talking about the whole, the mind, body and spirit and we know that in this existence we are not whole perfect and complete. We have diseases, we hate, we have mental illnesses and a myriad of conditions that unequivocally prove that we are not perfect in any way shape or form has a whole or at least in what we consider to be the idea of perfection. It's a lie because it suggests that you are already there (just the way that I am) and gives you an excuse for not being there (just the way I am not). But in every single person there is true perfection we have atoms and molecules that are whole perfect and complete and comprise the majority of our physical body there are billions of neutrons, quantum particles, dark energy and dark matter flowing through us that are whole perfect and complete in themselves. Where we need to focus on is our mind, our thoughts and emotions, accepting the truth of where we are physically but knowing for an immutable fact that it can change for the better and we can manipulate the energy available to us to manifest such change. The truth of this is in John 5:19 for it has already been demonstrated. In order for any change to manifest it must start in the mind, in the understanding of the true nature of the universe and of our connection with it. As the universe itself started small so must we. We must acknowledge the perfection that is in us at the atomic and molecular level but also the infinite energy that we are a part of. Of what some would call the spiritual, the dark energy the dark matter the quantum entangled particles and others, the building blocks of creation we must realize the truth that every fiber of our being is immersed in this energy and we have the capability to manipulate it to truly be whole perfect and complete as we see fit, not as some patriarchal society does, but as we truly are, children of the infinite and beings of love.