Some thoughts on Love:
To love someone is to rejoice in their growth, happiness and unfoldment.
To love someone is to see the true being that they are to know that they are their Souls made manifest. To accept them just as they are and just as they are not.
To love someone is to know that your love is more than the here and now. Love is eternal, It is to know that your Souls are Entangled with each other across every Dimension, Time and Reality, Forever.
To love someone is to know death is not the end or a barrier to love, it's just a transition. For all energy seeks equilibrium and the energy of love is the greatest of all equilibrium's to seek.
True love is to love without reward and is unconditional.
I love you with every fiber of my being forever and always weather you are a part of my life or not.
Your love, who you are has become a part of me that I accept willingly and unconditionally.
I might not love everything you do but I will always love you (said my Mom to me).
Love transcends time and space and is, was, and will always Be.
If I say I love you, I don't mean I need you.
We love thru our abundance not our need, we give love for the joy it brings to us and others.
If you seek love or feel you need love to make you complete then you will never find it, or be truly complete.
love comes from within, you must accept who you are, the good and the bad, knowing that thru loves Grace and unconditional acceptance you are worthy.
I accept you when you were lost as you accept me when I was lost.
There is no one type of love for true love is diverse and is made manifest in many forms and it is not our place or society's to judge other's expression of true love
The universe does not care who you love only how you love.
Love is an existence in and of itself, I choose this existence to guide me in all that I do.
You're soulmate is the person that with whom your heart and soul has found equilibrium with, the good and bad, the loves and hates. Hateful people can have soulmates but as hate is so volatile the relationship cannot last in equilibrium and will eventually degrade into more hate, pain and misery to include the innocence of their children and with all they come in contact with. For those whose equilibrium is based in love and understanding, remember as with everything there is change and evolution, and if you evolve and seek a new equilibrium and your soulmate does not you will grow apart. Remember to talk. Set aside time everyday to talk of the good and the bad, of the people and situations that you have allowed that energy to make an impact in your life (no matter how temporary for like a drop of rain small hurts can eventually become a flood of pain) and on who you are. This is especially true for the two of you. Affirm your love but also acknowledge any small hurts or inconsideration's that you feel, for these to can become a flood that will drive you apart. take as much time as needed and finish with a physical manifestation of your love for each other, whether it be a loving hug and a kiss or something more encompassing ;-).
When Jesus said forgive them for they know not what they do I believe He was expressing the truth that all energy seeks equilibrium. He was talking about their immortal souls and not just the act of killing Him for they knew what they were doing when they killed Him. What they did not know is that the hate in their souls, that acts of hate and violence will always seek equilibrium and that equilibrium will manifest itself in all that they do and all that they will become, not just now but thru all of eternity. Their hate was made manifest in all that they considered beneath them or a threat to their power resulting in violence, prejudice, discrimination and His death. To them hate is normal, they were raised with hate and indifference for anything that was different from them or inferior to them. When your soul is full of hate then it is easy to rationalize the violence, pain and suffering that you create. To them it is righteous and normal for they deserve this because somehow they are inferior in the eyes of God and are without a soul. Unfortunately, this just as true today as it was from the beginning of time and the lesson is just as relevant today as it was back then. If you receive pleasure and satisfaction from the misery of others it is because you do not know that this misery is soothing the hate being made manifest in and through you and that you are the one in a great deal of pain and misery and that energy will always seek equilibrium and in doing so will manifest itself in the pain, suffering and misery of others and even those whom you love. Remember everyone, everyone will reap what they have sown. Jesus could have forgiven them himself they're on the cross but he did not for he knows that God does not forgive, God does not forget, there is no Absolution only Redemption. why would God forgive the hate that you chose to create and manifest in the pain and suffering of others? you had and always will have a choice between love and hate and if you chose hate so be it but don't expect God to forgive you for there is no duality in creation and saying that your sorry but continue to manifest hate is disingenuous and inconsequential for does not change the hate in your heart and Soul. As my mother used to say, the world is not fair but the universe is Just.